Welcome Home in Calgary

これまでに、世界中60か国からのお客様へ、 温かくて安心できる、良質なホームステイをご提供してきました。

私達は利益追求のエージェントとは違い、学校やホストファミリーから手数料などは一切もらっていません。 私達のサービスをご利用頂くにあたり、ホームステイ手配料は頂きますが、 1度お支払頂いた手配料は一生涯有効であり、 2回目以降にホームステイサービスをご利用になる際には、再度お支払の必要はございません。 (詳しくは料金案内をご覧下さい。)

また、このホームステイ手配料には、お客様のご希望に沿ったホームステイのお手配の他、空港出迎え、 銀行口座開設のお手伝いなど、皆様がカルガリーの暮らしに早く馴染めるようなサポートが含まれています。

私達はいつも慎重にホストファミリーを選定しており、明るく、安全で、気持ち良く家族の一 員として過ごして頂けるご家庭のみを扱っています。世界中から来る皆様が、早くカナダの生活に慣れるよう、 サポートしてくれる家族ばかりです。

The Team

Arie van Vliet

Volunteer Vice-President Communications and Chauffeur

It is always exciting to receive a new application. I am a Canadian originally from the Netherlands. I send the e-mails and chauffer for Homestay Calgary. I enjoy meeting new arrivals at the airport and introducing them to their host families.

Carrie van Vliet

Homestay Coordinator

Hello, I'm Carrie, the Homestay Co-ordinator, and everyone's "mom". I'm a "native Canadian" and almost a native Calgarian, having lived in Calgary for more than 40 years. Arie and I have been hosting students ourselves for almost 20 years, even longer if you count many years of hosting just summer students from Japan and Mexico. The experience has greatly enriched our lives, and we've made many wonderful friends in different countries.

We like to think of Homestay Calgary as an extension of our own home and family, and our goal is to make sure that every student gets a warm welcome, a kind family, and has an amazing, fun-filled experience here in our friendly city. When problems arise, as they do on occasion in any family situation, we hope both our students and our families feel free to contact us at any time. Even if we cannot solve the problem, we always provide a listening ear, and sometimes that's all it takes.

Our students/workers/immigrants often keep in touch, even after they've moved on from homestay to apartments or share houses, and we continue to include them in the many activities we arrange to enrich their Canadian cultural experience. We think of each and every one of you as "our kids", no matter what your age is, marital status, or purpose in coming to Canada, you're all most welcome at Homestay Calgary!