Host Family Application
To qualify, you have to be a caring, sharing type person. We stress the home part of homestay. They should be able to think of you like being family and a home. Therefore we do not care much for a "our space", "their space", situation. Homestay Calgary is basically an extension of our own home. Home-stayers pay the full homestay fee directly to you (see Our Services: Fees).
Our requirements are:
- Maximum 45 minutes from downtown, where the ESL schools are, by public transit (or same max. re: U of C, Mount Royal University,SAIT) or their work location.
- English only be spoken in the home-both by the students and family.
- Providing sufficient and proper food. Three meals a day according to their appetite.
- Spending time with your students and helping them navigate through a culture that is very different than their own.
- Including them in all your family activities, if they so desire.
- Taking an interest in them as individuals, and their culture as well.
- Being approachable if they have concerns or minor complaints.
- Being kind, friendly and helpful.
If you feel you qualify and are interested in offering your services, please complete the host family application form.